FAMAG 2018.2.1

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McPherson, Andy McColl: Percy and the Ring Master, colour erase pencil and collage, 25.2 x 24.8 cm. Presented by McPherson, Andy McColl.

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Andy is an animator; his most recent work includes sequences for the animated versions of ?We?re Going on a Bear Hunt? and ?Ethel and Ernest?. On display you can see the different stages he used to create the final illustrations for Percy Pengelly. He writes:
?1. Thumbnail sketches ? I work out the composition on a small scale. There are dozens of these sometimes. If they?re small I?m less precious about discarding them. Also, they?re very quick and there?s less pencil mileage.
2. I choose one of the thumbnails, scan it, import it onto the computer and do any manipulation. I can re-size and move different elements.
3. When I am happy with the finished composition I print it out at a size I am comfortable with and re-draw the picture.
4. The finished drawings are scanned and imported to Photoshop again. I colour them by multiplying the layers. This way I can float the line over the top of the colour. The line is manipulated so that I retain the pencil sketchyness, but it is made much darker.?
The blue pencil is an animation pencil known as a ?colour erase? which is very light and can be easily drawn over.