FAMAG 1923.5

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Munnings, Sir Alfred PRA RWS (1878-1959): The Caravan, signed, oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cms. Presented to the Corporation of Falmouth in 1923 by Alfred A. de Pass, in memory of his sons. © Castle House Trust, The Sir Alfred Munnings Art Museum.

About the frame

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An antique Southern French mid nineteenth-century 'Salvator Rosa' concave frame with applied composition ribbon back edge, stepped mouldings and slip to sight; finished with matt and burnished water-gilding; supplied by Paul Mitchell Limited. (r)

More information

In 1910 Munnings went on a sketching trip to Cornwall with Augustus John and was influenced not only by his grouping of figures but also his interest in gypsies. Munnings also painted gypsies in Hampshire.

Munnings was a gifted draughtsman and painted with much bravado. This oil painting shows him at his most fluid and expressive.